Tuesday, June 17, 2008

FAME! I Wanna Live Forever!

Microsoft has their "Game with fame" series, what celebrity do you most want to play with/against?

rainn wilson! lmfao!!! i flickr'd "game with fame" and his pic was came up so i just posted it. a long time ago pumpo had a girlfriend named crazyvampiremovielady with dried grass yellow hair. she likes to write and make movies, like really bad ones. so naturally she had pumpo direct one of her films. boy...phff.

rainn wasn't in that one. my foot was though! so if you look up my name it'll be ALL over the internet under some movie title. you don't know my name. HAH! anyway, rainn was actually in one of her movies before he was anyone and before we met crazyvamplady. it was pretty awful. it hurt to watch it. i mean, truly...it hurt. i'm not even going to bother saying he's a bad actor. i'm not even going to bother saying he was worse in that short film. i'm not. *sarc*

so he was pretty fucking horrific and i never want to watch it again, BUT because this bastard subjected me to the horrendous mistake that was THAT movie I would LOVE to play with him and stomp him into the ground. then i'll make fun of him for being a mermaidmanthing and make him apologize for the last mimzy. seriously though...someone should.

don't get on me about the office now. we stole it from england and i'm embarassed about it. i don't care what anyone says. it's like we can't come up with out own shows. and if we do we leave them on cable to rip people off as long as humanly possible before they're released to the general public. sometimes i hate it here, but i'll tell you what? i wouldn't want to pay $110 bucks for 11 liters of petrol (about 10.5 gal). i just spoke to rigid's mom...that's insane.


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