how do you know you're getting mentally screwed? Xx MCRgirl Xx knows...
i was just catching up on a blog here and there when i ran into MCRgirl's post: i just don't understand..
it was such an interesting subject that i had to write a comment and you know when my comment turns into a post that something touched a nerve!:
my comment:
i'm not about to advise anyone but here's what i found interesting, "time alone and We'll most likely get back together at the end of the week" sounds a bit fishy to me...fishy meaning, he found another fish to play with and is keeping you on the side until he's done. if you do stay together and you found out he was with someone else while he needed "alone time" he could very easily say that you two weren't exactly together at the time.
if you accept this (and by the sound of it you don't)it will lead you down a road of worthless relationships and will most likely continue to be taken advantage of for YEARS to come. people like that think they're smart because they can get into your head. the fact that you've publicly announced that he's fucking with you is proof that he pissed you off and actually gave it a second thought.
if i were you i'd NEVER think about it again. move on and be happy. i know it hurts, i remember, but you know one thing i would never do is let anyone know how hurt i am. i wouldn't even give him the satisfaction of knowing that he so much as pissed me off or that he or anything he did mattered to me at all. that's what i was like when i was your age and as far as i'm concerned it worked out just fine for me. :P by the way, you've got the right idea about not sitting there like a dumbass playing his stupid games. unless his mother died he doesn't need time. man, this comment turned into a book so i'm blogging it down. :P take care!
my thoughts:
people think it's easy to talk about the way you feel on a blog because you're not actually facing anyone. well, it's not easy especially if you don't know how to communicate well and in my honest opinion MCRgirl can do just that. her writing is direct and to the point and spills out of her brain like a colorful flurry of jax on concrete. i loved jax when i was a kid.
now if there is anything i've learned from my very colorful life is that getting into a relationship after having just ended one is usually a very bad idea. people that get into relationships one after the next usually have MAJOR self esteem problems. (did i just admit something?) relationships formed on the fly typicically will not last, likely due to the fact that there was no time taken to properly choose the next candidate up for mate of the year. personally speaking tis better to wait and perhaps date a little, though even then i'd avoid the "rebound" dater as it will usually lead to nowhere's ville right quick.
how can i say things with such certainty? i committed the dreded rebound boyfriend faux pas of the century. in fact, i wasn't even "officially divorced" be honest i wasn't exactly dating either. * cough * WHORE! * cough * here's the thing, when you get together with someone that just got out of a relationship you're taking the chance that you just won't matter; that you're just another stomped on dry leaf while the rebounder treads a previously untrodden path towards self discovery or perhaps worse, another real relationship.
you know what i say? FUCK ALL THAT! stay out of the way, keep clear, danger will robinson DANGER! a rebounder is like running with the bulls in spain, injuries are common, you may be gored, and trampled underhoof. the rebounder could become disoriented when seperated from the herd and will oftentimes attack the first thing that gets in it's way or any person who has the misfortune to be stuck in it's path. the rebounder could, in it's wake, leave nothing but death, destruction and broken hearts.
so respect the rebounder and the rebounder will respect you... should the rebounder not respect you then feel free to kick it in the balls, but stand back... they kick back.
this important life saving message was brought to you by MAHARET girl gamer extraordinaire.
thank you and have a great day.
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