Friday, June 20, 2008

Rex Misquoted Twice and Maha's Epiphany

diaper check
Originally uploaded by somesai

On: Thu, Jun 19, 2008 8:25:57 Rex said:

"Naked bareback horseriding? I'd have to take a pass - I could just imagine all those horse hairs grinding up me arse - no thanks" by DILLIGAF REX on F1-Jet-Sub-Naked horseback riding (WHAT?!?!?!?!)

On: Sun, Jun 22, 2008 3:01:46 PM Rex's Thought for the day quoted Steven R. Covey:

"Live out of your imagination, not your history."

maha said: "hmmm...i don't get it. live out of your imagination...not history.... i don't have the imagination to understand how not to live out my history or what exactly living out my history means. that tinsy little sentence it too complex for my brain. now you did it! i'll have to google the damn answer again."

DILLIGAF REX said: "It basically means: The past is like your ass - it's behind you! If you dwell in the past you will never open yourself up to a better future. ; )"

maha said: "WOW! you put that in the simplest terms that even a retard like me could understand. my past truly IS like my ass. behind me, getting older every day, and a little saggy. sometimes you have fond memories of it, but when you think about it too much just reminds you how fucking horrible it is to think about it all the time. all you know is you want to pretend it doesn't exist! FUCK ME! thanks rex. you totally cleared that up for me. lmfao!!! what's funny is that i really did look it up, but never had the chance to find my answer. what would i do without you? :)"

SO, i'd like to take the time to thank Rex with the above picture. it was actually an accident as i only had the first quote shown there which i had created the day i read his post last week. the second conversation, inspired by our chat about the second quote, seemed to fit really nicely here as well. i can't stop smiling in fact and people are walking by wondering what kind of drugs i'm on... so thanks rex!

all of this lead me to an ephiphany. it seems strange to quote my self but there you have it:

"i don't have the imagination to understand how not to live out my history or what exactly living out my history means." by the mighty maharet - life ponderer

basically, though i've tried to think of ways how "not" to live in the past i find i can't live without living in the past; you see, it's a very fine line for me, one that is always a bit smudged and it's always been a part of who i am. not that it was meant to be understood by anyone but me OR that i even understood my own comment until rex clarified the meaning of his quote.

strange the way the brain works isn't it? and don't you love my double negatives??? i do. i tell you it's an art form unto itself. :P

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